
Wisdom For Mothers



Wisdom for Mothers, the first in the series of MotherWise Bible studies, is a course of study to help you understand what the Bible says about marriage and parenting. It will be like reading an instruction manual for family life. Have you ever wondered how your marriage was supposed to work? Maybe you didn’t have good examples from your parents to follow, or maybe you’ve made some big mistakes but you aren’t sure how to get back on track. 

Perhaps you are wrestling with how to be a good mom. When you were pregnant with your first child, you thought everything would be okay once the baby was born. But now that you are a mom, you realize you’ve only begun to understand what it takes to be a mother. And the longer you are a mom, the more complicated it gets! Just seeing your last child graduate from high school isn’t the end of mothering. You just begin a new phase of mothering them differently as they are moving into adulthood. 

And when you become a grandmother, you start all over again! The learning curve for a mom never stops! In Wisdom for Mothers, we’re going to work together through the priorities of a woman’s life. We’re going to look at our relationships in order of importance. With each relationship, we’re going to look at what makes it work the way God designed it to function. We’ll study the Bible as our textbook. God made us and He gave instructions to faithful men who wrote down those instructions in the Bible. It just makes sense that we should read them. 

Our priorities are: 

  1. Our relationship with God 
  2. Our relationship with ourselves—loving ourselves as God does 
  3. Our relationship with our husbands 
  4. Our relationship with our children 
  5. Our relationship with the world through our work and activities 
  6. Our relationship with the world through our ministry

About The Author – Denise Glenn

Denise Glenn
Denise Glenn

Denise Glenn is a mother, grandmother, author, speaker, and the founder of MotherWise. Together she and her husband, David, now serve as President and Vice President of Kardo Ministries, a non-profit international discipleship ministry. Denise began the MotherWise ministry in 1981 when she had three preschoolers.

From a prayer time with one other mom, this ministry has grown to include women from all across America and around the world. Denise has authored six Bible studies for women that include Wisdom for Mothers, Freedom for Mothers, Restore My Heart, Keeping the Secrets of Jesus, Fan the Flame and Winter Season. She is sought after both nationally and internationally as a speaker for women’s conferences, meetings, and retreats.

Using her own personal experiences ranging from infertility to three teenage daughters to married children and now grandchildren; Denise blends her warm personality with an ability to clearly define Biblical truths. Her entertaining speaking style and creative use of visual aids endears her to women and allows her to share personal stories to teach women about God’s Word. Combining deep spiritual insight with the ability to relate practically to each woman in her audience, her written materials are in-depth Bible studies, composed in a way that Bible students of every level can enjoy learning and growing in Christ.

The Glenn’s have a passion for sharing God’s Word and travel internationally while balancing their time with their first ministry, three beautiful married daughters and ten lovely grandchildren.

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